- PhD Students
Koen van Woerden (finished 2017).
- Summer semester 2018.
Coorganizer of the seminar: Topics in higher categories with Georgios Raptis. Tuesdays 16:00-18:00 in M311. Topics in Machine Learning Mondays 16:00-18:00 in M101. - Winter semester 2017-2018.
Coorganizer of the seminar: Topics in higher categories with Georgios Raptis. Tuesdays 16:00-18:00 M101. Machine learning from a mathematical viewpoint Thursdays 10-12 in M101, Fridays (exercises and live coding) in M102. - Summer semester 2017.
Coorganizer of the seminar: Topics in higher categories with Georgios Raptis. Tuesdays 16:00-18:00 M103. - Winter semester 2016-2017.
Coorganizer of the seminar: Topics in higher categories with Georgios Raptis. Tuesdays 16:00-18:00 M103. Block course on spectral sequences to take place September 29th to October 7th in Bio 1.1.34 from 10:00 to 14:00 (there will be a break for lunch). Assistant for Niko Naumann's algebra seminar. Tutorial Monday 12:00-13:00 in M206. - Spring 2016-Summer 2016.
Coorganizer of the seminar: Topics in higher categories with George Raptis. Monday 16:00-18:00 M101. Coorganizer of the SFB Oberseminar: The Galois group of a stable homotopy theory and descent with Oriol Raventos and Koen van Woerden. Tuesday 10:00-12:00 Bio 1.1.34 Assistant for Niko Naumann's Linear Algebra II course. Question Hour: Monday 14:00-16:00 in H32. - Fall 2015-Winter 2016.
Cotaught quasicategories with George Raptis. Lead assistant for Niko Naumann's Linear Algebra I course. - Fall 2014-Winter 2015.
Lie algebras. - Spring 2014-Summer 2014.
Lie Groups. - Fall 2013-Winter 2014.
Equivariant homotopy theory. - Fall 2006-Spring 2009.
While a graduate student, I worked as a lecturer at the University of Chicago teaching the 150's and 190's sequences, which cover first year calculus and multivariable calculus/linear algebra respectively. While these courses emphasize computational skills, proofs were assigned weekly and problem solving skills were honed over the term. - Mentoring
I also have mentored several undergraduate students through the University of Chicago Directed Reading Program. I have overseen other mentors and mentored many students through the VIGRE Summer Program. This is a great program for a University of Chicago math undergraduate who would like to learn some more math (including some fun topics) over the summer. I have done some volunteer tutoring of underprivileged students in the southside of Chicago with the Woodlawn afterschool program (WASKP).