From Problem Set 2.
Let’s set our random seed:
Let’s write a function that takes in a number of iterations and returns a data frame with all of the relevant information for our Monte Carlo simulation.
mc_pi = function(n) {
df = tibble(x = runif(n)*2-1, y = runif(n)*2-1)
df = df %>% mutate(r = x^2+y^2) %>%
mutate(incirc = ifelse(x^2+y^2 <= 1, 1, 0)) %>%
mutate(perc_inside = cummean(incirc)) %>%
mutate(pi_est = perc_inside*4) %>%
mutate(err = pi-pi_est) %>%
mutate(abs_err = abs(err))
Test this out:
test = mc_pi(10^6)
## [1] 3.140900 3.140901 3.140901 3.140902 3.140903 3.140904
Graph our error:
test %>% slice(seq(1,length(test$y),1000)) %>%
ggplot() + geom_point(aes(x=1:length(x), y=abs_err), size = 0.1) + scale_y_log10() + xlab("Iteration") + ylab("Log error")
Load our data:
hr = read_csv("HR_comma_sep.csv")
Label factors:
hr = hr %>% mutate(number_project = ordered(number_project)) %>%
mutate(time_spend_company = ordered(time_spend_company)) %>%
mutate(work_accident = factor(Work_accident)) %>%
mutate(left = factor(left)) %>%
mutate(sales = factor(sales)) %>%
mutate(salary = factor(salary))
Drop the extra column with inconsistent naming:
hr = hr %>% select(-Work_accident)
Let’s shuffle the dataframe:
sh_hr = slice(hr, sample(nrow(hr), replace = FALSE))
## # A tibble: 6 x 3
## satisfaction_level last_evaluation number_project
## <dbl> <dbl> <ord>
## 1 0.38 0.53 2
## 2 0.80 0.86 5
## 3 0.11 0.88 7
## 4 0.72 0.87 5
## 5 0.37 0.52 2
## 6 0.41 0.50 2
## # A tibble: 6 x 3
## satisfaction_level last_evaluation number_project
## <dbl> <dbl> <ord>
## 1 0.36 0.57 2
## 2 0.09 0.79 6
## 3 0.65 0.96 2
## 4 0.56 0.79 4
## 5 0.99 0.73 3
## 6 0.78 0.89 4
Split the dataset:
hr_train = slice(sh_hr,1:10000)
hr_test = slice(sh_hr, seq(10001, nrow(sh_hr)))
Examine some summary statistics:
## satisfaction_level last_evaluation number_project average_montly_hours
## Min. :0.0900 Min. :0.3600 2:1547 Min. : 96.0
## 1st Qu.:0.4400 1st Qu.:0.5600 3:2708 1st Qu.:156.0
## Median :0.6500 Median :0.7200 4:2911 Median :201.0
## Mean :0.6147 Mean :0.7174 5:1859 Mean :201.7
## 3rd Qu.:0.8200 3rd Qu.:0.8700 6: 806 3rd Qu.:246.0
## Max. :1.0000 Max. :1.0000 7: 169 Max. :310.0
## time_spend_company left promotion_last_5years sales
## 3 :4304 0:7627 Min. :0.0000 sales :2740
## 2 :2116 1:2373 1st Qu.:0.0000 technical :1856
## 4 :1725 Median :0.0000 support :1489
## 5 : 983 Mean :0.0222 IT : 829
## 6 : 478 3rd Qu.:0.0000 marketing : 588
## 10 : 147 Max. :1.0000 product_mng: 577
## (Other): 247 (Other) :1921
## salary work_accident
## high : 824 0:8574
## low :4845 1:1426
## medium:4331
prs = ggpairs(hr_train)
ggsave("pairs.pdf", prs)
ggplot(hr_train, aes(x = left, y = satisfaction_level)) + geom_boxplot()
Okay, no big surprise here, most of the people who left had low satisfaction levels.
Were they over or underworked?
hr_train$number_project = as.integer(hr_train$number_project)
ggplot(hr_train, aes(x=left, y=number_project)) + geom_boxplot()
How were the evaluations?
ggplot(hr_train, aes(x=left, y=last_evaluation)) +geom_boxplot()
Okay let’s see if we can find those who are leaving. What percentage have left?
## [1] 0.2373
Let’s construct some new features.
hr_train = hr_train %>% mutate(unhappy = satisfaction_level < 0.5, overworked = number_project > 3, underappreciated = last_evaluation < 0.6)
hr_test = hr_test %>% mutate(unhappy = satisfaction_level < 0.5, overworked = number_project > 3, underappreciated = last_evaluation < 0.6)
Make a hypothesis:
hr_train = hr_train %>% mutate(prob_quit = unhappy | (overworked & underappreciated))
hr_test = hr_test %>% mutate(prob_quit = unhappy | (overworked & underappreciated))
How did we do on the training set?
sum(as.integer(hr_train$prob_quit) == hr_train$left)
## [1] 7663
So that is a 76.24% correct prediction rate. Note that this this is not good:
sum(0 == hr_train$left)
## [1] 7627
Let’s try again:
hr_train = hr_train %>% mutate(prob_quit = unhappy & (overworked))
hr_test = hr_test %>% mutate(prob_quit = unhappy & (overworked))
sum(as.integer(hr_train$prob_quit) == hr_train$left)
## [1] 7784
Slightly better, but that is nothing to write home about.
Let’s try something better.
hr_train = select(hr_train, -unhappy) %>% select(-prob_quit) %>% select(-overworked) %>% select(-underappreciated) = rpart(left~., data=hr_train, control = rpart.control(maxdepth = 30))
## Call:
## rpart(formula = left ~ ., data = hr_train, control = rpart.control(maxdepth = 30))
## n= 10000
## CP nsplit rel error xerror xstd
## 1 0.24652339 0 1.0000000 1.0000000 0.017927842
## 2 0.18289086 1 0.7534766 0.7534766 0.016147693
## 3 0.07796039 3 0.3876949 0.3876949 0.012179770
## 4 0.04846186 5 0.2317741 0.2330383 0.009631896
## 5 0.03034134 6 0.1833123 0.1879477 0.008698859
## 6 0.01938475 7 0.1529709 0.1592920 0.008036757
## 7 0.01222082 8 0.1335862 0.1369574 0.007472560
## 8 0.01000000 9 0.1213654 0.1272651 0.007211852
## Variable importance
## satisfaction_level last_evaluation number_project
## 35 17 17
## average_montly_hours time_spend_company work_accident
## 16 14 1
## Node number 1: 10000 observations, complexity param=0.2465234
## predicted class=0 expected loss=0.2373 P(node) =1
## class counts: 7627 2373
## probabilities: 0.763 0.237
## left son=2 (7233 obs) right son=3 (2767 obs)
## Primary splits:
## satisfaction_level < 0.465 to the right, improve=1038.4460, (0 missing)
## number_project < 1.5 to the right, improve= 626.2516, (0 missing)
## average_montly_hours < 274.5 to the left, improve= 273.1569, (0 missing)
## time_spend_company splits as LRRRRRRR, improve= 262.7210, (0 missing)
## last_evaluation < 0.575 to the right, improve= 132.8969, (0 missing)
## Surrogate splits:
## number_project < 1.5 to the right, agree=0.794, adj=0.256, (0 split)
## average_montly_hours < 275.5 to the left, agree=0.757, adj=0.121, (0 split)
## last_evaluation < 0.485 to the right, agree=0.741, adj=0.065, (0 split)
## Node number 2: 7233 observations, complexity param=0.07796039
## predicted class=0 expected loss=0.09636389 P(node) =0.7233
## class counts: 6536 697
## probabilities: 0.904 0.096
## left son=4 (5895 obs) right son=5 (1338 obs)
## Primary splits:
## time_spend_company splits as LLLRRRRR, improve=429.75020, (0 missing)
## last_evaluation < 0.825 to the left, improve=156.97700, (0 missing)
## average_montly_hours < 216.5 to the left, improve=113.10290, (0 missing)
## number_project < 3.5 to the left, improve= 72.52983, (0 missing)
## satisfaction_level < 0.715 to the left, improve= 58.86811, (0 missing)
## Surrogate splits:
## last_evaluation < 0.995 to the left, agree=0.821, adj=0.033, (0 split)
## average_montly_hours < 298 to the left, agree=0.815, adj=0.001, (0 split)
## Node number 3: 2767 observations, complexity param=0.1828909
## predicted class=1 expected loss=0.3942898 P(node) =0.2767
## class counts: 1091 1676
## probabilities: 0.394 0.606
## left son=6 (1639 obs) right son=7 (1128 obs)
## Primary splits:
## number_project < 1.5 to the right, improve=276.19080, (0 missing)
## satisfaction_level < 0.115 to the right, improve=243.81630, (0 missing)
## time_spend_company splits as RRRLLLLL, improve=241.16720, (0 missing)
## average_montly_hours < 161.5 to the right, improve= 97.60469, (0 missing)
## last_evaluation < 0.445 to the left, improve= 96.86592, (0 missing)
## Surrogate splits:
## satisfaction_level < 0.355 to the left, agree=0.881, adj=0.707, (0 split)
## average_montly_hours < 161.5 to the right, agree=0.859, adj=0.653, (0 split)
## last_evaluation < 0.575 to the right, agree=0.853, adj=0.640, (0 split)
## time_spend_company splits as RRLLLLLL, agree=0.841, adj=0.609, (0 split)
## Node number 4: 5895 observations
## predicted class=0 expected loss=0.01424936 P(node) =0.5895
## class counts: 5811 84
## probabilities: 0.986 0.014
## Node number 5: 1338 observations, complexity param=0.07796039
## predicted class=0 expected loss=0.4581465 P(node) =0.1338
## class counts: 725 613
## probabilities: 0.542 0.458
## left son=10 (520 obs) right son=11 (818 obs)
## Primary splits:
## last_evaluation < 0.815 to the left, improve=302.3806, (0 missing)
## average_montly_hours < 215.5 to the left, improve=247.9913, (0 missing)
## time_spend_company splits as RRRRRLLL, improve=183.1469, (0 missing)
## satisfaction_level < 0.715 to the left, improve=162.6257, (0 missing)
## number_project < 2.5 to the left, improve=138.3302, (0 missing)
## Surrogate splits:
## average_montly_hours < 215.5 to the left, agree=0.749, adj=0.354, (0 split)
## number_project < 2.5 to the left, agree=0.714, adj=0.263, (0 split)
## satisfaction_level < 0.705 to the left, agree=0.705, adj=0.240, (0 split)
## time_spend_company splits as RRRRRLLL, agree=0.685, adj=0.190, (0 split)
## work_accident splits as RL, agree=0.653, adj=0.108, (0 split)
## Node number 6: 1639 observations, complexity param=0.1828909
## predicted class=0 expected loss=0.4203783 P(node) =0.1639
## class counts: 950 689
## probabilities: 0.580 0.420
## left son=12 (1032 obs) right son=13 (607 obs)
## Primary splits:
## satisfaction_level < 0.115 to the right, improve=647.7497, (0 missing)
## average_montly_hours < 242.5 to the left, improve=373.9581, (0 missing)
## number_project < 4.5 to the left, improve=363.2091, (0 missing)
## last_evaluation < 0.765 to the left, improve=270.7619, (0 missing)
## time_spend_company splits as LLRRRRRR, improve=108.7181, (0 missing)
## Surrogate splits:
## average_montly_hours < 242.5 to the left, agree=0.855, adj=0.610, (0 split)
## number_project < 4.5 to the left, agree=0.845, adj=0.582, (0 split)
## last_evaluation < 0.765 to the left, agree=0.785, adj=0.420, (0 split)
## Node number 7: 1128 observations, complexity param=0.03034134
## predicted class=1 expected loss=0.125 P(node) =0.1128
## class counts: 141 987
## probabilities: 0.125 0.875
## left son=14 (84 obs) right son=15 (1044 obs)
## Primary splits:
## last_evaluation < 0.575 to the right, improve=117.210600, (0 missing)
## average_montly_hours < 162 to the right, improve=113.763400, (0 missing)
## satisfaction_level < 0.355 to the left, improve=103.339700, (0 missing)
## time_spend_company splits as RRLLLLLL, improve= 55.849020, (0 missing)
## work_accident splits as RL, improve= 7.816372, (0 missing)
## Surrogate splits:
## average_montly_hours < 162 to the right, agree=0.947, adj=0.286, (0 split)
## satisfaction_level < 0.355 to the left, agree=0.938, adj=0.167, (0 split)
## time_spend_company splits as RRLLLLLL, agree=0.937, adj=0.155, (0 split)
## Node number 10: 520 observations
## predicted class=0 expected loss=0.03653846 P(node) =0.052
## class counts: 501 19
## probabilities: 0.963 0.037
## Node number 11: 818 observations, complexity param=0.04846186
## predicted class=1 expected loss=0.2738386 P(node) =0.0818
## class counts: 224 594
## probabilities: 0.274 0.726
## left son=22 (115 obs) right son=23 (703 obs)
## Primary splits:
## time_spend_company splits as RRRRRLLL, improve=141.12110, (0 missing)
## average_montly_hours < 216.5 to the left, improve=138.14360, (0 missing)
## satisfaction_level < 0.715 to the left, improve=111.17040, (0 missing)
## number_project < 2.5 to the left, improve= 76.89708, (0 missing)
## salary splits as LRL, improve= 23.39814, (0 missing)
## Surrogate splits:
## satisfaction_level < 0.595 to the left, agree=0.879, adj=0.139, (0 split)
## promotion_last_5years < 0.5 to the right, agree=0.867, adj=0.052, (0 split)
## average_montly_hours < 208.5 to the left, agree=0.862, adj=0.017, (0 split)
## Node number 12: 1032 observations
## predicted class=0 expected loss=0.07945736 P(node) =0.1032
## class counts: 950 82
## probabilities: 0.921 0.079
## Node number 13: 607 observations
## predicted class=1 expected loss=0 P(node) =0.0607
## class counts: 0 607
## probabilities: 0.000 1.000
## Node number 14: 84 observations
## predicted class=0 expected loss=0.07142857 P(node) =0.0084
## class counts: 78 6
## probabilities: 0.929 0.071
## Node number 15: 1044 observations, complexity param=0.01222082
## predicted class=1 expected loss=0.06034483 P(node) =0.1044
## class counts: 63 981
## probabilities: 0.060 0.940
## left son=30 (29 obs) right son=31 (1015 obs)
## Primary splits:
## last_evaluation < 0.445 to the left, improve=52.674380, (0 missing)
## average_montly_hours < 162 to the right, improve=40.163420, (0 missing)
## satisfaction_level < 0.355 to the left, improve=37.352090, (0 missing)
## time_spend_company splits as LRRRRRRR, improve=23.246210, (0 missing)
## work_accident splits as RL, improve= 3.201507, (0 missing)
## Surrogate splits:
## average_montly_hours < 115.5 to the left, agree=0.975, adj=0.103, (0 split)
## time_spend_company splits as RRRRRLLL, agree=0.973, adj=0.034, (0 split)
## Node number 22: 115 observations
## predicted class=0 expected loss=0 P(node) =0.0115
## class counts: 115 0
## probabilities: 1.000 0.000
## Node number 23: 703 observations, complexity param=0.01938475
## predicted class=1 expected loss=0.1550498 P(node) =0.0703
## class counts: 109 594
## probabilities: 0.155 0.845
## left son=46 (70 obs) right son=47 (633 obs)
## Primary splits:
## average_montly_hours < 215.5 to the left, improve=70.531440, (0 missing)
## satisfaction_level < 0.715 to the left, improve=50.970130, (0 missing)
## number_project < 2.5 to the left, improve=34.779260, (0 missing)
## salary splits as LRR, improve= 9.670679, (0 missing)
## time_spend_company splits as RRRRLLLL, improve= 9.265164, (0 missing)
## Surrogate splits:
## satisfaction_level < 0.925 to the right, agree=0.912, adj=0.114, (0 split)
## number_project < 1.5 to the left, agree=0.905, adj=0.043, (0 split)
## Node number 30: 29 observations
## predicted class=0 expected loss=0 P(node) =0.0029
## class counts: 29 0
## probabilities: 1.000 0.000
## Node number 31: 1015 observations
## predicted class=1 expected loss=0.03349754 P(node) =0.1015
## class counts: 34 981
## probabilities: 0.033 0.967
## Node number 46: 70 observations
## predicted class=0 expected loss=0.1714286 P(node) =0.007
## class counts: 58 12
## probabilities: 0.829 0.171
## Node number 47: 633 observations
## predicted class=1 expected loss=0.08056872 P(node) =0.0633
## class counts: 51 582
## probabilities: 0.081 0.919
This is hard to read.
Okay, so what is our error rate?
hr_test$number_project = as.integer(hr_test$number_project)
preds = predict(, hr_test, type = "class")
mean(hr_test$left == preds)
## [1] 0.9711942
That’s more like it!
Can we do even better?
matdata = xgb.DMatrix(data = as.matrix(sapply(select(hr_train,-left), as.numeric)), label =as.numeric( hr_train$left)-1)
mattest = xgb.DMatrix(data = as.matrix(sapply(select(hr_test,-left), as.numeric)), label = as.numeric(hr_test$left)-1)
watchlist = list(train=matdata, test = mattest) = xgb.train(data = matdata, label = hr_train$left, max.depth = 30, eval.metric="error", nrounds = 200, watchlist = watchlist)
## [1] train-error:0.007400 test-error:0.022004
## [2] train-error:0.006900 test-error:0.021404
## [3] train-error:0.004600 test-error:0.018604
## [4] train-error:0.004100 test-error:0.018604
## [5] train-error:0.002700 test-error:0.017604
## [6] train-error:0.002100 test-error:0.017203
## [7] train-error:0.000900 test-error:0.016803
## [8] train-error:0.000400 test-error:0.017203
## [9] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.016803
## [10] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [11] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.016803
## [12] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.016803
## [13] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [14] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [15] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [16] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [17] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [18] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [19] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [20] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [21] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [22] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [23] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [24] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [25] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [26] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [27] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [28] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [29] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [30] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [31] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [32] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [33] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [34] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [35] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [36] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [37] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [38] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [39] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [40] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [41] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [42] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [43] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [44] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [45] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [46] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [47] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [48] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [49] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [50] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [51] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [52] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [53] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [54] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [55] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [56] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [57] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [58] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [59] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [60] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
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## [199] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
## [200] train-error:0.000000 test-error:0.017003
bpreds = predict(, mattest)
## [1] -8.689881e-03 -9.687281e-04 -1.731492e-04 -1.818596e-06 9.990979e-01
## [6] -2.331969e-03
mean(as.integer(hr_test$left)-1 == (bpreds >0.5))
## [1] 0.9829966
That brings our accuracy up to 98.44%. This is something to write home about.